Creating a Garden for Your Child!
Creating A Garden for Your Child
I have often been asked by parents “Sophie, how do I teach my child respect?”, “How do I teach them to be gentle?” and “what about colors, shapes numbers and days?” my answer is always ” Let your child EXPLORE”.
Exploring at a young age is key for a successful education. Children prior to 1st grade learn through play and exploration “hands to head. “
We have been given a world full of educative tools for our children. Stop your runs to the nearest toy store and pull up your sleeves and start digging with your child. Yes, digging, pouring, getting down and dirty will fascinate your little one.
– Plant some seeds and watch it grow
– Count the number of tomatoes in your garden
– Create a “Watering the plant weekly calendar” with your child to teach them days of the
– Teach your child respect and being gentle by carefully trimming the flowers and caressing the petals.
Learning can still be FUN! I promise…..
Please comment if you have done so with your child and LOVED it.
Yours Truly,
Le Petit Gan ❤️