Need A No Mess Rosh Hashanah Dessert for Your Little Ones?
With Rosh Hashanah around the corner I just had to post a dessert recipe…Isn’t that what Jewish holidays are all about? ? The Mason Jar Honey cake recipe is a fantastic no mess kind of dessert for your little one to make and eat. We made them with our little preschoolers and they had a blast! Not to mention the excitement they had to finally dig in when mommy/daddy came to pick them up. ? …
5 Ways to Get Your Little One to Snack Healthy
Little ones are visual in every sense of the way. So, your typical colorful and fun potato chip bag or sugary cereal boxes are much more attractive to our little ones than a plain slice of cheese or a carrot stick. …
3 Ways to Get Your Little One Off the Screens and Into Nature :)
You are not alone in the screen time battle with your family we are all there with you! We all wish that little ones today would have the same running in the fields and climbing trees childhood memories as we do but, unfortunately they spend more time on an ipad, tv and phone. …
How to whip up a quick and healthy dinner for your family.
Keep it wholesome, fresh, organic and most of all FUN for the kids to help mommy in the kitchen! ? Light and simple dinners are the perfect meals to end these beautiful sunny days. This vegetarian Eggplant burger is a great healthy light and savory meal for your little ones to enjoy making and eating. …
Raising Multilingual Children
He/she is too young…. You will confuse your child… Wait until he/she is fluent in one language first…. …
Raising an Organic Child.
It’s time to step away from your plain Jane tasteless chicken nuggets, mac and cheese and pizza dinners! Children are mini adults… they truly are in every sense of the way. They love exploring, trying touching and most of all tasting! They are my # 1 food critiques ;). …
Can Cooking Healthy Foods with your Preschool Child Be a Science/ Math Lesson?
Cooking with children is one of the funnest activities they can do ! Not only is it fun….Its the best way to learn Math and Science. ? …
Creating a Garden for Your Child!
Creating A Garden for Your Child I have often been asked by parents “Sophie, how do I teach my child respect?”, “How do I teach them to be gentle?” and “what about colors, shapes numbers and days?” my answer is always ” Let your child EXPLORE”. …
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